Dear Visitor!


It is my great pleasure and honor to welcome you on the website of the Fiscal Council of Hungary. My hope is, that by following the best practices of my predecessors,  and keeping transparency in our utmost focus, this website can serve as the source of information related to the work of the Council, by providing continous and on-time contents with all the necessary information available for those interested in our work.

Gabor Horvath

Chairman of the Fiscal Council




About us


The Fiscal Council was created under the Act LXXV of 2008 on Cost-efficient State Management and Fiscal Responsibility. The Act was adopted by the Parliament, in order to promote the creation and maintenance of the discipline, transparency and long-term sustainability of fiscal policy and to foster the long-term competitiveness of Hungary through fiscal means, in consideration of the requirement of justice between present and future generations and the expected growth of public expenditures owing to the aging of society in the forthcoming decades. The Act CXCIV of 2011 on the Economic Stability of Hungary followed the same thoughts and goals, and had assigned new tasks to the Council that has been acting since 2009.

The Council was trusted with a very important task, namely to make comments on the draft of the Act on the Central Budget, on the planning and execution of the budget, the use of public funds and the state of public finances, moreover to make comments on a half-yearly basis on any issues related to the planning and execution of the budget or the use of public funds.

Fulfilling these tasks is an extraordinary responsibility for those who can strengthen the economic stability of Hungary. Therefore, in the course of performing its task, in addition to the findings of the State Audit Office and the Hungarian National Bank, the Council intends to rely on the evaluations and prognoses of domestic research and analysis institutes, international organizations, and leading market analysts in the future.

The President of the Republic of Hungary appointed Mr. Gábor Horváth to the position of Chairman of the Council for a period of six years, with effect from January 10, 2024. According to the provisions of the relevant law, the Fiscal Council thus always has three members: in addition to the Chairman Mr. Gábor Horváth, Dr. László Windisch, President of the State Audit Office, and Dr. György Matolcsy, Governor of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank are also members of the Fiscal Council.

Opinions of the Council


2022.12.27. Report on the Realisation of the Year 2022 Action Plan of the Fiscal Council
2022.12.27. Action Plan of the Fiscal Council for 2023
2023.03.30. Resolution No. 2. On the execution of the 2022 central budget law
2023.03.30. Resolution No. 3. On approving the final voting of 2023 Central Budget Bill of Hungary
2023.05.23. Resolution No. 4. On the draft bill on the 2024 central budget
2023.07.06. Resolution No. 5. On the final vote of the 2024 central budget
2023.10.03. Resolution No. 6. On the mid-year state of the 2023 central budget


Summaries of analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council in 2022

2022.04.21. Resolution No. 1. On the Execution of the Year 2021 Central Budget Act
2022.06.03. Resolution No. 2. On the draft of the year 2023 Central Budget Bill
2022.06.07 Government response to the opinion of the Council
2022.07.14. Resolution No. 3. On its consent for final voting the year 2023 Central Budget Bill of Hungary
2022.09.27. Resolution No. 4. On the execution of the 2022 central budget law
2022.12.27. Resolution No. 7. On the draft government decree amending the 2023 budget law


Brief summaries of analyzes made for the Fiscal Council in 2021


Report on the Realisation of the Year 2020 Action Plan of the Fiscal Council


Action Plan of the Fiscal Council for 2021

2021.04.15. Resolution No. 3. On the Execution of the Year 2020 Central Budget Act
2021.04.15. Resolution No. 4. On the draft of amending the 2021 budget
2021.04.27. Resolution No. 5. On the draft of the year 2022 Central Budget Bill
2021.06.10. Resolution No. 6. On its consent for final voting the year 2022 Central Budget Bill



The National economy and public finances in the time of coronavirus pandemic

Analyses prepared for the Fiscal Council of Hungary in 2020

2020.05.21. Resolution No. 3. On the draft budget bill of 2021
2020.04.16. The Fiscal Council’s Opinion on the Effects of the Coronavirus on the Economy
2020.01.09. Resolution No. 1. Report of the Chairman on 2019
2020.01.09. Resolution No. 2. Action Plan for 2020



2019.01.07. Resolution No. 1. Action Plan for 2019
2019.01.07. Resolution No. 2. Report of the Chairman on 2018
2019.06.03. Resolution No. 3. On the exectution of 2018 budget and the trend of debt
2019.06.03. Resolution No. 4. On the draft budget bill of 2020
2019.07.10. Resolution No. 5. On the final voting for the 2020 budget
2019.09.10. Resolution No. 6. On the execution of the 2019 budget


2018.01.11. Resolution No. 1. and 2. on the report of previous presidential cycle and 2018 Agenda
2018.06.07. Resolution No. 3. On the draft budget of 2019
2018.06.07. Resolution No. 4. On the exectution of 2017 budget and the trend of debt
2018.07.17. Resolution No. 5. On the final vote of 2019 budget
2018.09.18. Resolution No 6. About the implementation of 2018 budget


2017.01.19. Resolution No. 1. Action plan 2017
2017.04.27. Resolution No. 2. On amendment of the draft budget of 2017
2017.04.27. Resolution No. 3. On the draft budget of 2018
2017.06.14. Resolution No. 4. On the final vote of 2017 budget amendment
2017.06.14. Resolution No. 5. On the final vote of 2018 budget


2016.04.28. Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 3.
2016.04.21. Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 2.
2016.01.15. 2016 Action plan of the Fiscal Council
2016.01.15. 2015 Summary


2015.11.02. Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 9.
2015.09.21. Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 8.
2015.09.21. Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 7.
2015.06.19. Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 6.
2015.05.28. Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 5.
2015.05.27. Speech of the Chairman of the Council, as it was presented to the National Assembly 27/05/2015
2015.05.08. Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 4.


Opinion of the Council - Resolution No. 3.
2015.02.09. 2015 Action plan of the Fiscal Council


2014.02.06. 2014 Action plan of the Fiscal Council
2014.06.20. The opinion of the Fiscal Council on the draft bill of the amendment of Act CCXXX of 2013 on the 2014 Central Budget of Hungary
2014.07.14. Opinion of the Fiscal Councilon the State of the Execution of the 2013 Central Budget of Hungary and the trend of the Government Debt
2014.07.14. Opinion of the Fiscal Council on the Execution of the 2014 Central Budget of Hungary and the expected trend of Government Debt (Characteristics of the processes in the first half of the year)
2014.10.27. Opinion of the Fiscal Council on the Draft Bill of the 2015 Central Budget of Hungary
2014.11.19. Speech of the Chairman of the Council at the National Assembly
2014.12.15. Speech of the Chairman of the Council at the National Assembly at the final voting of the 2015 central budget

For earlier opinions of the council, please follow this link.