Accessibility statement


The Office of the Hungarian National Assembly is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with Act LXXV of 2018 on Accessibility of Public Sector Websites and Mobile Applications.
This accessibility statement applies to

Compliance status
The website complies with Act LXXV of 2018 on Accessibility of Public Sector Websites and Mobile Applications, with the exceptions listed below.

Non-accessible content
The content listed below is not accessible due to the followings:

Non-compliance with Act LXXV of 2018
Video recordings of speeches made in Parliament are not subtitled. Although the video recordings are not subtitled, the text of the speech can be selected along the video in the query, allowing the speech and its text to be viewed simultaneously, for example in parallel windows, thus it is considered to be accessible.
Scanned pdf files cannot be read aloud:
•    The current practice is to certify some documents by handwritten signature. When scanning the resulting pdf files, it is not always possible to ensure that they can be interpreted by text-to-speech programs.

Disproportionate burden
The Office regularly creates a large number of documents in MS Office format, which are converted into pdf files and published on our website. Some of the documents currently published are non-compliant (these non-compliances do not prevent the information from being viewed).

Preparing the accessibility statement
This statement is based on a self-assessment carried out by the Office on 2 December 2020.

Feedback and contact details
In order to improve access to the content, please inform us of any issues you encounter at webmaster(at) or request access to information and documents that you have been unable to access. We will reply as soon as possible.

Enforcement procedure
If the Office of the Hungarian National Assembly does not respond or does not answer adequately to the accessibility report or request within 30 days, you may notify the Governmental Agency for IT Development.
The detailed rules of the accessibility audit are set out in Government Decree 162/2019 (VII. 5.).
Inspection body: Governmental Agency for IT Development
Registered office: H-1134 Budapest, Váci út 35.
Mailing address: H-1255 Budapest, Pf.: 182.
Customer service: +36 1 450 3070

This accessibility statement has been approved by:


György Such
Director General